Deconstructing the Winston Chandelier

Winston Square in Westboro is a popular meeting place that promises to be a hub of activity during Westboro FUSE on August 26 & 27. Whether you drop by for an ice cream cone, the gourmet market, or a glass of craft beer, make sure you look up… at the Winston Chandelier!

This unofficial coat of arms for Westboro depicts the flora and fauna of the area and was officially launched earlier this summer at a special event attended by members of the Westboro Village BIA, local merchants, and artists Joanna Swim and Adrian Göllner.

Can you find all of the images and symbols that were incorporated into the Winston Chandelier? Photo by Andrea Tomkins

See if you can find the following images and symbols in the chandelier:

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  • Squirrel: Whether you consider them friend or foe, there’s no doubt squirrels occupy a top spot in Westboro’s Mammals per Capita category.
  • Spotted Turtle: Did you know that Spotted Turtles are endangered? If you’re lucky, you may spot one near Westboro Beach.
  • Smallmouth bass: This resident of the Ottawa River is an indicator of a healthy environment.
  • Curls represent the wind on the water.
  • White Pine: Logging played an important role in the history of Westboro and it’s symbolized by the White Pine tree.
  • Orion’s Belt (the constellation) is a symbol of strength and endurance.
  • Mountain Ash: Mature trees are one of Westboro’s best features. Not only do they provide shade and shelter, but the Mountain Ash is also an important food source for overwintering birds.
  • The crow and its nest symbolize “industriousness, ingenuity, and community.”
  • The crown and poppy honour the Royal Canadian Legion and its members. The Legion, after all, is right next door to Winston Square.

More details about this unique street art are inscribed on a plaque at Winston Square. Take a closer look the next time you’re there!

Check the schedule of activities for Westboro FUSE at


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