Westboro Villager: Changing seasons, challenging times

Submitted by the Westboro Village BIA. 

It has been just over a year since we were all asked to stay home and stay safe. It has been a challenging year for all, and the most challenging year any of our businesses have seen. The past year has been one of adaptation, from curbside pick up, online sales, increased takeout and delivery. The businesses in Westboro Village are working to keep you and their staff safe. Thank you Kitchissippi for continuing the support you have shown Westboro Village businesses in the past year. 

With the arrival of spring, we have a shift again. Retail doors are propped open with their capacities posted at entry, and we have one of the earliest starts to the patio season. With the season beginning in mid-March, it is a chance to be outside and support your favourite local restaurant. 

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With so much uncertainty ahead, your neighborhood businesses will continue to adapt and take the measures to keep everyone safe. As a community, we miss the annual events and traditions, but are finding new ways to connect. We are looking ahead to the warmer months, and a reimagined Shop the Village in May. Please visit westborovillage.com for details and updates from the street. 


Village Quire

312 Richmond Rd

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You don’t have to go too far to find the best chocolate bunnies & chocolate eggs.

Shop The Village Quire in Westboro for Newfoundland Chocolate Company and Peace By Chocolate.


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Core Integrity

307C Richmond Rd Suite 203


We specialize in:

  • Pre/post-natal conditioning
  • Pelvis floor dysfunction and diastasis and conditioning
  • Post breast cancer surgery conditioning

All the sessions are one-on-one and they are tailored for your needs.  



Strawberry Blonde

111 Richmond Rd


Hop on over to Strawberry Blonde and pick up our super popular Cream Egg Brownies!


110 Richmond Rd, Ottawa



Did you know Westboro is home to Ottawa’s Only Cryotherapy Chamber? 

Just three minutes in Luxii Health Spa’s Whole-Body Cryotherapy Chamber and notice improvements in stiff joints, muscle pain or inflammation fade away and immediately watch your energy levels flourish. 

For a limited time only, Luxii is offering a Special Intro Price of Only $50, regularly $75 and it includes a 25-minute free compression therapy session too)! 

Visit Luxii Health Spa, across the street from Strawberry Blonde Bakery and experience the life-changing benefits of cryotherapy today. 613-722-2441



358 Richmond Rd  


Spring is in the air for Wall Space Gallery! This April, we are proud to feature world-renowned (and Kitchissippi-based!) photographer Michelle Valberg. Her exhibition, Eye to Eye, will feature breathtaking shots from across Canada, including the Great Bear Rainforest and the Arctic. On display April 17-May 15.

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