Staying fit through all stages of life: A Q&A with the Churchill Seniors Centre

By Charlie Senack

Westboro’s Churchill Seniors Centre offers a variety of programming for seniors of all capabilities. 

Located in the former Nepean Town Hall located at 345 Richmond Rd, the space is for seniors 50 and over who are looking to stay fit, make friends and get engaged in the community.

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The Kitchissippi Times sat down with Anita Findlay, program coordinator at the centre, to learn more about what they offer.

KT: What kinds of programming are you offering this summer and fall?

AF: Although our Summer schedule offers less than Fall, we are offering Strength & Balance registered classes as well as Line Dance and Yoga, just to name a few. Monday afternoons are busy with drop-in duplicate bridge players. The first and third Wednesdays will see our hall filled with dancers as we offer a drop-in social dance. Heading into the Fall we will have the return of drop-in Tai Chi and the Ukulele sing-a-long as well as drop-in and registered Line Dance lessons. We offer more opportunities to attend fitness classes from Pilates to Cardio. Zumba classes are also offered alongside Strength & Balance and an Integrated Fitness class for those with health and mobility issues.

KT: For seniors who want to exercise from home, do you have any useful tips?

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AF: We have a handout from Public Health with basic exercises that promote improved balance and we are happy to show clients things they can do. Rogers TV opened up several Better Strength Better Balance episodes onto YouTube for seniors to access virtually as well. Doing sit to stands and pushups off the wall or counters are two great strength exercises for legs, arms, shoulders and core and are needed in activities of daily living.

KT: How much physical activity should people be doing every day?

AF: It is recommended that everyone should work to exercise at a pace to increase their heart rate for 30 minutes daily. That might mean 3 ten-minute segments at first and build their cardio vascular stamina slowly. A minimum goal of 150 minutes weekly is the minimum for being active. It is also necessary to do strength training exercises 2-3 times per week. You don’t have to go buy weights or equipment, you can use items around the house. A bag of sugar weights 5lb.

KT: How can people get involved with the Churchill Seniors Centre?

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AF: We do not require you to purchase a membership. You can stop by the Center and pick up a schedule and get a tour weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You can register for a seven week session class or you can attend a drop-in program and pay as you go. Much of the information is available online at, or you can call us at 613-769-8927 and our staff are happy to answer questions and help direct you.

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