Sponsored: Letter from the Westboro Village Executive Director

Judy Lincoln took over as the new executive director for the Westboro Village BIA in mid-May. Photo courtesy of Judy Lincoln.

This year is going to be challenging one for all the businesses in Westboro Village. As I write this only some of our members can reopen, and those that are allowed are doing it slowly and carefully. Which businesses can open and when is continually evolving.  

As you begin to head out to support our member businesses, they are looking forward to seeing you. Visiting each one will have a different feel now, hand sanitizer, masks, and even different lay outs may await you when you come to see them. Please respect how each business is choosing to operate; their primary focus is on keeping their staff and customers safe. 

As information gets updated from public health, you may see a continued change in how the business operates. Please, be patient. Our member businesses want to be open and to serve you, but each will have their own rules to ensure they, and all their staff feel safe. Please respect how each business chooses to operate. Your favourite shop keeper may now greet you behind plexi-glass or mask, but it is still the same friendly face there to help you.

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With the announcement from the City of Ottawa in late May, that no special event permits will be issued until after August 31st, 2020 we will not be hosting Westboro FUSE this year. It is a disappointing decision but the right one. We are now making plans for the year, while being ready for future announcements from all levels of government. 

This year Westboro Village is certainly going to look different, but one thing will not change. We are a community. The businesses of Westboro Village are working hard. We want to get back to business and get back to business safely. 

We look forward to welcoming you back to Westboro Village.

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