Provincial update: Building a better community together

Submitted Yasir Naqvi, MPP Ottawa Centre – 

 It has been an honour to serve as your MPP. Together, we have built a liveable community with quality public services.

Thanks to your support, I have had the opportunity to advocate for you and I am excited about everything we have accomplished in our neighbourhood, such as:

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  • Providing $500,000 to expand programming space at the Dovercourt Recreation Centre
  • Creating accessible, modern schools for our kids, like building the new Broadview P.S. and investing in an addition at Elmdale P.S.
  • Replaced the OMB with the new Local Planning Appeal Tribunal ensuring communities have a stronger voice in development
  • Championed a new law to lower speed limits on residential streets and school zones to make our neighbourhoods safer for all

As I knock on doors every weekend, I get to hear your ideas and what we need to do next for our community. Based on your feedback, I am committed to the following:

Build a new hospital

We need better healthcare. That is why we will invest up to $1.8 billion to build a new Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. This will transform it into a 21st-century facility with modern equipment and spaces, boosting the hospital’s capacity to provide leading-edge care for Ottawa families.

More French schools

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Parents who want their children to be educated in French in our community need access to resources and a supportive learning environment. That is why I am committed to working towards building new French schools downtown. 

Revitalize Prince of Wales Bridge

Prince of Wales Bridge is in disrepair. With the new LRT, and my unwavering commitment to public transit, I am committed to working with all three levels of government to revitalize this interprovincial bridge. By turning it into an expansion of LRT, we would build another link between our community and Quebec to promote active transportation and reduce cars and buses in our downtown core.

Dedicated cycling lanes

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Our city is diverse and growing rapidly, as are the ways we get around. That is why we need permanent active transportation infrastructure. I am committed to working with the City to build more safe and dedicated cycling lanes and pedestrian walkways by using funds from price on pollution. This would build on the province’s #CycleON Action Plan 2.0.

Care and opportunity

I am committed to building a fair and caring society that gives everyone an opportunity to grow and succeed by investing in:

  • Free prescription medications for everyone under the age of 25, and starting August 2019, everyone 65+ will also have full coverage.
  • Free child care between the ages of 2.5 to kindergarten, saving families on average, $17,000 per child.
  • Improving mental health access and addictions services with a $2.1 billion investment over 4 years.

My promise to you is that I will continue to work as hard as I can to build a better community, together.

For more information, visit or contact me at or 613-454-7722.


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