Pandemic resolutions: Adding variety and fun to the list

This article is sponsored by Dovercourt Recreation Centre. 

Are you laughing at your New Year’s resolutions from 2020? Shaking your head at the places you wanted to visit, the people you wanted to see? You’re not the only one who wants to toss the 2020 calendar into the blue bin and start over.

This year, the very idea of resolving to do things in 2021 comes with much uncertainty. Not only do we have the annual challenge of finding variety and fun to add to our lives, we have to do it within a list of guidelines and restrictions and often, now, wearing a mask.  

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Lucky for us, our city is full of amazing opportunities that are too often saved for holidays with relatives, or family vacations, or international visitors. As it turns out, many people have taken the pandemic as an opportunity to explore activities closer to home, and are discovering how much they’ve been missing right at their doorsteps.

We know we’ll be riding this second wave of the pandemic right into 2021, so  it’s time to make your COVID-19 resolutions list. Make the most of this unusual time and take pleasure in the simple things that are safe and local (and maybe some that you’ve been putting off!). Looking for ideas? Dovercourt has you covered.

We are blessed with many walking trails in the Ottawa area, and Westboro is no exception. The SJAM multi-use trail, in its fifth season, lets you enjoy the beauty of the Ottawa River on foot or snowshoes, by fat bike or cross country skis. Enjoy the exercise and a healthy dose of Vitamin N(ature). 

Want to try one of Canada’s fastest growing sports? Pickleball combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis, has no age restrictions and requires little equipment. It ticks all the boxes for healthy recreational activities: Easy to learn, fun and social. Pickleball is offered every weekday at Dovercourt from 1-2 p.m. at $3/session. Players claim it’s addictive!

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Even small amounts of exercise have an impact on your mental state and immune system. With safe-spacing and other COVID-19 guidelines in place, in-person fitness classes and swim lessons can help us feel “almost-normal,” and online classes allow people to connect with their favourite instructors, and other familiar faces, while at home. 

If you’ve been meaning to try something new that sparks your creativity, you’re in luck. Watercolour classes allow you to follow along step-by-step, or learn more about visual art with artist Maya Hum —both offered online. 

Classes are ongoing at Dovercourt and winter registration begins on Dec. 8.  

Now is the perfect time to make those pandemic resolutions and brighten these winter days.

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