Notre Dame High School Corner: How Service Changed My Life

By Allison Goodyear 

It only takes a moment for your life to change. A car accident. A massive promotion. A family death. Winning the lottery. Some of these circumstances might be the result of pure chance, while others were years in the making. But once it happens, you can never go back. 

It was April 17, 3:36 p.m. I had just stepped through the door of my house after driving home from school. Standing in the tiled foyer of my childhood home, I opened the latest message in my inbox. When I clicked the email entitled “Schulich Leader Scholarship”, an honour that I could’ve only dreamed of came true. 

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$100 000. 

I had been awarded a scholarship to cover my entire undergraduate degree. Any worries I had about paying for my first degree evaporated. What would this mean for me? I wouldn’t have to work through university. My parents would be relieved of the financial burden of paying for my education. A storm of thoughts raged inside my head as I read the words over and over again: “It is my great pleasure to offer you a Schulich Leader Scholarship.”

I had just won the most coveted undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) scholarship in the country, only 100 of which are given each year. This scholarship is awarded on the basis of not only academic achievement, but also charisma, leadership, and creativity. The ideal candidate must have more than top grades. 

They have to have everything. They have to be everything.

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This award was more than just a sum of money. It was the key that opened the door to opportunity. Schulich Leaders join a network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about science and dedicated to serving others. In addition to the meaningful connections fostered by the Schulich Leader community, being a recipient of such an esteemed award would stand out to potential employers and academic institutions.

But I had not been awarded this scholarship by chance – I had been working towards this for years. Unbeknownst to me, I had been working towards this long before I had even heard the words “Schulich Leader”.

I had always held myself to the highest academic standards to appease my own expectations, not those of anyone else. However, academic validation was never enough to make me feel complete. There was always a missing piece, like an ice cream sundae without the cherry on top. I found that participating in the communities in which I was a part of was what really added sweetness to my life. From Student Council, to Prom Committee, to Yearbook, to Music Ministry, to Trivia Team, I was heavily involved at Notre Dame High School, while at the same time working as a music teacher and a tutor. Realizing that I could use my skills to make a difference in the lives of others around me drove me to take every opportunity to contribute. 

I was lucky enough to be selected as Notre Dame’s nominee for this prestigious award, but I genuinely did not think I would win. All the candidates were like me. 

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Rather than one in a million, I was one of millions. 

After screaming across the household that I had won the Schulich, my dad and I rushed back to Notre Dame High School (he drove, I couldn’t). 

As much as the Schulich Leader Scholarship was awarded to me, I did not win it alone.

My success was only possible due to the support from my family and Notre Dame school community, and the opportunities I had been given that helped me grow as a leader and as a person. I excitedly broke the news to my guidance counselors and my principal, all of whom were absolutely elated. I scoured the school looking for anybody that remained, sharing so many hugs, so many tears, so many moments of joy. 

This was a win for all of us. Everyone who had supported me, everyone who had taken a chance on me, everyone who had believed in me.

The news continued to spread throughout my high school, and it was so beautiful to feel the warm embrace of my school community as they celebrated this achievement. The happiness I had spread was coming back to me, tenfold. 

As I reflected on my award, I realized that it was not the scholarship that changed my life, but the experiences as a leader that earned me the honour. 

I’ve learned that hard work pays off. It might not feel like it at the moment, but there will be someone that comes along and sees you and all that you do. While you might not get $100,000, you will have received something even more priceless. Positively impacting others and bringing them joy is worth more than any scholarship or bursary. Those are the moments that change your life.

Allison Goodyear is a graduating Grade 12 student at Notre Dame High School. She will attend Queen’s University in September 2024 to pursue a Bachelor of Science Honours program in Biotechnology as a Schulich Leader.

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