NHS Corner: Meet Notre Dame’s new co-presidents

Submitted by Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame’s students took part in a virtual election and chose Daisy Thang and Christian Henry as their student council co-presidents on Oct. 14. Daisy and Christian are excited to take on the responsibilities of keeping school spirit and morale high, especially in these tough times.

Meet Christian Henry! Christian is in Grade 11 and has been a student at Notre Dame since Grade 7. He has been an influential member of the school community, participating in many teams and clubs over the years, such as the Athletic Council, Mentors & Mentees program, touch football and soccer teams, peer support and others. As an involved member of the small school community, he is well-liked and respected amongst students and staff alike. 

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In his campaign speech, Christian cited the Notre Dame motto “Locus Pro Omnes,” which is Latin for “a place for everyone.” Christian went on to say, “I will ensure as co-president that Notre Dame continues to be a place for everyone.” Like most students, Christian believes that it is very important to embrace the beautiful diversity within the Notre Dame school community. Christian and Daisy are excited to continue working with their student council to find creative ways to keep the community unified as it navigates these difficult times. 

Daisy Thang is a senior and is excited to be serving as co-president this year before graduating this spring. She’s incredibly thankful for the student body and school community, with whom she’s been able to create amazing and lasting memories, and is determined to help do the same for future students. Throughout her years at Notre Dame, Daisy has contributed to many facets of student life. She has sat on student and athletic councils; joined various sports teams and been involved in school clubs such as the Reach for the Top team, the Cappies critic team and yearbook committee. 

If Daisy had to describe Notre Dame in one word, she would choose “devoted” — the school’s devotion to its community members; the teachers’ devotion to their students; and the student body’s devotion to their aspirations, social justice and to one another. It’s for this very reason that she is proud to act as co-president and is elated at the opportunity to contribute to the school’s history.

Daisy and Christian are thrilled to see what the year ahead has in store. The two co-presidents want to make sure everything they do is in the best interest of their fellow students. Notre Dame students all share a keen interest in different social justice issues — Daisy and Christian hope to assist students in raising awareness and creating change within the larger community. The two new co-presidents intend to maintain Notre Dame’s wonderful, diverse, academic and inclusive culture and showcase it to the larger community. Notre Dame students, both new and old, will always feel like part of a family, as many consider it to be their home away from home.

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