Nadine Hogan is drawn to books that make her think

By Bhavana Gopinath – 

“I love to read,” says Nadine Hogan. She reads faithfully every single night, usually goes through at least two books at once, and enjoys sharing thoughts and ideas from books with friends and loved ones.  She always has a book stashed away in her bag in case she gets a few unexpected moments of free time.

When it comes to fiction, Nadine hogan likes “books that transport you to another place.” Photo by Kenya Jade Pinto
When it comes to fiction, Nadine hogan likes “books that transport you to another place.” Photo by Kenya Jade Pinto

Nadine and Heather Andrews run Wheelhouse, a spin studio in Wellington Street West. Nadine is a recent recipient of a Forty Under 40 award. The award recognizes accomplished business leaders who are under the age of 40 and is a joint venture of the Ottawa Business Journal and Ottawa Chamber of Commerce.

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Nadine also just completed her first Half Ironman Triathlon.  As a business owner and athlete, Nadine finds inspiration in motivational and self-development books which push her to take risks and explore her personal limits. One such author is Brené Brown, who is “very, very, good.” Brown researches and talks about themes like vulnerability, courage and worthiness, and is also the author of bestsellers like Daring Greatly, The Gifts of Imperfection, and Rising Strong. Nadine also enjoyed Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. 

In a similar vein, Nadine is inspired by the stories of world-class athletes. She is curious about how elite athletes stay focused and motivated. She recommends ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek’s Eat and Run, and   Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington’s A Life Without Limits: A World Champion’s Journey. 

For Nadine, reading is often a quest for something to satisfy her soul. So crime fiction or police procedurals aren’t her taste; she is drawn towards works that make her think, or feel differently about the world. For example, she loves Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, which describes the author’s conversations with his ALS-afflicted teacher.

One of her current favorites is Late Nights on Air by Elizabeth Hay. She also recommends “anything by David Sedaris” for cottage reading, as his works have the right mix of satire and humour.  She is presently reading Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance: An Investigation, which she describes as “really cool and fascinating.”

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When it comes to fiction, Nadine likes “books that transport you to another place,” like Edward Rutherfurd’s works, whose characters are interwoven with the history of the city the story is set in. Nadine also loves stories and authors from her native Newfoundland, and one of her favorites is The Lure of the Labrador Wild by Dillon Wallace. She also recommends works by award-winning Newfoundland and Labrador authors Michael Crummey, Lisa Moore, and Donna Morissey. Nadine also enjoys the enduring charm of Stuart McLean’s books for tales of small town Canada.

Nadine moved to Ottawa almost nine years ago and has come to love this “big city with a small town feel.” She loves that people here are very connected and welcoming, and she enjoys the beauty of all four seasons that Ottawa offers. A big part of enjoying summer for Nadine is being able to spend time outdoors; even better if Donna Morissey and Aziz Ansari can give her company.

This post is part of our KT summer reads issue. Read all of our other profiles right here.

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