Meet your local Kitchissippi community associations

By Emily Addison, chair of the K9 Working Group

Welcome to this brand new feature in the Kitchissippi Times!

Kitchissippi Ward community associations (CAs) are excited to announce that we are partnering with KT to share what’s happening in our neighbourhoods – information such as upcoming community events, local projects, as well as larger issues affecting the ward. This new monthly section is part of the efforts of K9, a working group of all nine CAs in our ward.

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We’ll use this inaugural issue to introduce our community groups.

What are community associations?

Community associations work to enrich the quality of life in our neighbourhoods, and our work is mostly done through volunteer efforts! Did you know that there are well over 100 CAs in Ottawa? You can learn more about them through the Federation of Citizens Associations of Ottawa website (

What does your local community association do for you and other residents?

It varies a little between each CA but here is just a little bit of what we do:

  • We organize and host community events.
  • We partner with the City to provide services like neighbourhood skating rinks, ski trails and community gardens.
  • We engage directly with the mayor, city councillors, city staff, the NCC, and other levels of government on a wide variety of topics, from input on master plans (e.g., traffic, waste) to zoning by-law updates, use of public lands and more. We encourage local residents to participate directly in government consultations because these policies and plans benefit greatly from citizen input!
  • We actively participate in the development process (e.g., Tunney’s Pasture, new Civic Hospital Campus, local infills).  We recognize that our neighbourhoods are changing as the city grows and we work hard to ensure that city policies on development are followed, that the level of intensification proposed is appropriate, and that negative impacts to residents are minimized.
  • We partner with non-profits, schools, universities, and other organizations on a wide range of issues.
  • We work to preserve and enhance our greenspace and parks while engaging on environmental issues such as mitigating climate change at the local level.
  • We work on community safety concerns.
  • We advocate for transportation solutions for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and others.
  • We work to preserve local heritage buildings and promote local history.

Many CAs have an e-newsletter or social media presence to communicate to residents in their catchment area. Check out your CA below to connect!

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Why should you get involved with your community association?

Become a member of your CA to stay informed and support the work being done on your behalf. Volunteering with your local CA is also a great way to get to know your neighbours and affect positive change in your neighbourhood. You can decide how much time you have to volunteer and participate based on your areas of interest. Reach out to your CA to see how you can help! 

Finally, a bit more about the Kitchissippi 9 (K9) Working Group.

The goal of K9 is to facilitate the exchange of information and coordinate joint action, when appropriate, on issues of common interest among CAs in Kitchissippi Ward. K9 was founded in 2018, inspired by Councillor Leiper’s ward forums, as we realized that our respective CAs were facing common issues and that there would be many benefits to working together.

We meet at least four times a year to discuss a range of topics. A few of our recent items of conversation have been Stage 2 LRT tree replacement, the need for quick action on heritage building designation given new provincial policy, planning the 2024 Kitchissippi Garage Sale set for June 1st, and discussing what is needed to mitigate the pressure of many many thousands of future residents coming to our part of town through large developments such as Tunney’s Pasture, Bayview Yards, Gladstone Village, City Centre and, further afield, LeBreton Flats and Zibi. Our conversations are rich with K9 members bringing a wide range of knowledge and perspectives from across our neighbourhoods.

We look forward to sharing individual CA updates in future issues, and encourage you to reach out to your local CA if you want to get involved!

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Not sure which CA you are a part of?

Check out the map at:

Champlain Park Community Association (CPCA)

Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association (CHNA)

Hampton Iona Community Group (HICG)

Hintonburg Community Association (HCA)

Island Park Community Association (IPCA)

Mechanicsville Community Association (MCA)

Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA)

Westboro Community Association (WCA)

Westboro Beach Community Association (WBCA)

Note: Until 2022, McKellar Park was part of Kitchissippi Ward. K9 continues to work closely with McKellar Park Community Association (MPCA) and so you will sometimes see news here from MPCA as well.

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