A note to our readers

Dear readers,

Over the past few weeks, we’ve received many inquiries about recent developments in the media business and how they may impact the Kitchissippi Times. I want to reassure our faithful readers and valued advertisers that the Kitchissippi Times will continue to publish as always.

Our business is not connected to the recent business moves by Postmedia and Torstar, including the closure of several weekly publications in the Ottawa area. The Kitchissippi Times has been published by Great River Media since 2003 and we intend to continue to produce a newspaper and website that contain great storytelling about the people of our community, and provide a reliable and cost-effective way for local businesses to reach neighbourhood residents.

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In addition, as the founder and publisher of the Kitchissippi Times, I remain deeply committed to doing whatever I can to ensure the Times continues to flourish in the community in which I have lived for almost all of my life. I’m very proud of the Kitchissippi Times and I’m grateful for the incredible support and feedback we’ve received from the community over the past 14 years.

In my view, the recent developments underscore the importance of locally owned, independent community newspapers that serve their neighbourhoods from within. Like many members of our team, I live in Kitchissippi. My wife and I run, stroll, shop and eat in Kitchissippi and our children go to school and play here. We are proud members of the community we serve.

Local news, especially at the neighbourhood level, is an increasingly rare commodity. Community newspapers are a vital source of information and help create a sense of belonging and community spirit. This is not an easy time in the media business, of course, and none of us knows what the future holds. But we hope we can continue to count on the support of our many readers and advertisers. Without the backing of both, a community newspaper simply can’t survive. If you care about your community newspaper and would like to help, please let us know.

We remain hopeful and optimistic that the Kitchissippi Times has a viable business model and can continue to serve the community for many years to come. And we are committed to that mission.

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Thank you again for your support. It’s deeply appreciated.


Mark Sutcliffe
Founder, Kitchissippi Times

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