Investment Art: Buying for love, money, or both?

If you have recently bought one of the fabulous condos in Hintonburg, Wellington West or Westboro, chances are you have some prime space for hanging art.

One of the questions we most often field from people wanting to buy art: do I buy for investment, or because I love this piece of art?

At Cube Gallery, 1385 Wellington St., we always say buy the piece of art that catches your eye, tugs at your heart, or the one you just can’t stop thinking about. That’s an investment you will never regret. Especially if you are buying from a reputable gallery featuring skilled artists with an established art practice.

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Get to know your gallery owner. Come in and talk to us about income tax considerations and how to avoid hazards such as forgeries. Always ask about the provenance of the art you are buying. This will tell you: where was this piece first sold; who else has owned it; is this work genuine and not stolen or forged.

You could say art has three streams:

Gold standard: these works of art will grow in value. Why? Because they are easy to auction, the artist has a good track record of sales, and they will also have work held by important collectors and institutions.  Examples of this include Joe Fafard, Daphne Odjig and David Thauberger, all of whom are artists shown by Cube Gallery and who also have art in the National Gallery of Canada.

Growing and solid:

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These artists demonstrate a solid track record and are showing their work in numerous public, juried exhibitions. These artists include Cube’s Rosalie Favell, Russell Yuristy and Norman Takeuchi whose works are held in many important galleries around the world.

Speculative gold: 

These artists are emerging, working hard and making a splash! They have little to no auction record, but are showing obvious signs that they will have an impact on the art world.  Kristy Gordon is one of Cube’s long-time artists who is trending and sought after by art lovers in New York City.  We also proudly exhibit works by Sue Ukkola and Kim Christopher among other up and coming talented artists.

Overall, your best bet is to talk to a gallerist or art dealer you trust and who knows the market. Then buy for love. Trust your artistic instincts. Then you will have a work of art you never tire of looking at that will also grow in value.

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the cube gallery
1285 Wellington W
Ottawa, Ontario

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