HOK #89: Tim Thibeault ?

Meet Tim Thibeault.

“I first moved to Holland Avenue in 1960 as a ten-year-old, and have lived and/or worked in  Kitchissippi ward teaching art and pottery, and dabbling in community involvement, ever since.

“My work with Newswest began as a photographer when we needed pictures  of a crack house that the community was anxious to shut down. It took  some time but the volunteers in local community groups – HEDC and HCA among others  – were  determined to get the job done, and they did.

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“Eventually, the position of Newswest editor opened up and my past work  with Canadian Parachutist Magazine, (from the days when I was young and still immortal) led me to apply. That was nearly five years ago and it  has been a pleasure and a thrill ever since.

“As the community and its volunteer base ages, and as the publishing and newspaper industries change to suit an era of instant communication, I’m a little sad to see Newswest close up shop. Still, the Kitchissippi Times has provided local news and event coverage with enough  thoroughness and insight that I am confident our community will be well-served as the city moves ahead into an era of LRT, internet memes and online access to all sorts of community news, including kitchissippi.com.”

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our collection of humans right here.

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