Here’s what you’ll find at this year’s EBA open house (Twitter style!)

The annual Enriched Bread Artists (EBA) Open Studio is a great opportunity to discover some local art and get to know the people behind it. This art collective, which is located in a former bread factory at 951 Gladstone Ave., will be open to the public September 30 to October 2.

We asked a few of the EBA artists to tell us about their work in 140 characters or less – Twitter style – to give visitors a sense of what they’ll find this year.

Svetlana Swiminer
Neurons broke, synapses stopped, neurotransmitters are unreleased. Alzheimer people call for love, guidance, flexibility, and patience.

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Juliana McDonald
What will happen to Monarch butterfly migrations when their habitats are gone? My paintings celebrate these slowly disappearing greenspaces.

Heidi Conrod
My digital paintings explore the boundaries of photography & painting & the way digitization collapses the two mediums into something other.

Mark Stephenson
@mste is out to capture that epic selfie, perfect angle, big moment or whatever it is you use to craft your online persona #socialportraits

Bill Staubi
Found objects given new and unexpected lives. Things are not always only what they seem. Releasing the hidden potential.

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Tavi Weisz
I am altering, manipulating coherent images to create representations that do not conform with expectations or cultural conventions.

Yvonne Wiegers
I am an artist intrigued by proliferations and accumulations in the natural, physical and psychological environments.

Meaghan Haughian
My mixed media drawings capture life’s dualities – the experiences and emotions we share as humans but often experience in isolation.

Sayward Johnson
I love copper. I love textile techniques. I love green patinas and copper oxidization. I never know what will happen even when I think I do.

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Jenny McMaster
A meditation on the porousness and interconnectivity of living things. The shapes cast in abaca pulp and detailed with embroidery.

Sarah Anderson
I paint by instinct to create a cohesive and visually pleasing final product; immersing the viewer in shapes, colour and texture.

Mana Rouholamini
Closing your eyes. Remembering. Searching for something uncertain. Approaching. Getting lost. Despairing. Hearing. Echoes of ages. Breathing

Joyce Westrop
My work reflects my ambiguous views about the world today. I use and abuse the vocabulary from “Art for Art’s Sake” to express my thoughts.

For details about the EBA and open house hours, see

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