Councillor’s Corner: Stay engaged on city’s budget and planning priorities

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor

We’re moving into cooler months, Kitchissippi, but that doesn’t mean we’re slowing down. Read on to find out what’s keeping us busy in the ward and at City Hall.

The City Treasurer’s office is currently working on the 2020 Municipal Budget and there are multiple opportunities for you to engage! You can visit to get more information about how the City budget is formed, pose questions to the team crafting the budget and respond to a short survey about your budget priorities. You can also email us at to share your perspective on next year’s budget.

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The Official Plan Review is still ongoing, and it’s important that you have your say in shaping the future of Ottawa. The new Official Plan is based on Five Big Moves being proposed by the City: growth, mobility, urban design, resiliency, and economy.

These moves propose to prioritize intensification over greenfield development; build a robust transit system that will ensure the majority of trips in Ottawa are taken on sustainable transportation; prioritize good urban and community design; embed public health and environmental resiliency in our planning policies; and keep economic development at the forefront. If you want to stay on top of the Official Plan review, you can get in touch with your community association or register for email updates at, and you can always email us with your feedback and questions.

Our fall Ward Forum is scheduled for November 26. We’ll be holding it at the Hintonburg Community Centre in the Wellington Room from 6 to 8 p.m. We’ll be focusing on themes of development and Official Plan review, as well as receiving updates from community associations and BIAs in the ward! Come out to learn more about our planning processes, engage in a Q&A with myself and City staff, and enjoy some light refreshments with your neighbours. All are welcome!

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