Councillor’s Corner: Spring is almost here

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi ward councillor 

March has arrived, which means spring is just around the corner for Kitchissippi! 

Take advantage of our park rinks and Kichi Sibi Trail while you can. As the weather warms up and things begin to melt, please consider clearing a storm drain on your street. This small civic action makes a big difference when it comes to managing runoff and stormwater. 

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I’m pleased to report that the project to create a new parkette on the former residential lot at 115 Spencer Street is progressing. My office will soon begin a consultation process to officially name the park, and as I write this the City is seeking residents’ input regarding the park design. This round of consultation will close on March 6, but keep an eye on the Engage Ottawa website for this project for more updates and consultation opportunities.

In other park-related news, a new public art installation has been selected for Laroch Park. The work by local artist Amy Thompson, titled Signal Pine, will be the first piece in the City’s public art collection located in Mechanicsville. This sculptural artwork will incorporate human-scale seating and a stylized pine tree, using elements that pay homage to the area’s rich industrial history. More information about the piece is available on the City’s public art website. The work will be open to the public this fall.

I know the unpredictable spring weather can make it difficult to get out of the house, but the Rosemount library has many programming offerings to connect you to your community. From t(w)een gaming to knitting, English and French conversation groups to baby time, there’s truly something for everyone! Visit the Ottawa Public Library’s programs and events website for more information about what’s up at Rosemount. 

As always, if you want semi-weekly updates from me about the news of the ward, including information about my upcoming pop-up office hours, send me an email at and my staff will get you signed up.

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