Councillor’s Corner: Development proposals and the R4 Zoning Review

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor.

I want to start by sending out a warm and sincere thank-you to all residents of Kitchissippi Ward for their patience and cooperation during this time. Thank you as well to those who have stepped up and offered their time and resources to volunteer to assist their neighbours during the pandemic. I’m proud of how our ward has responded to the challenges that this time has presented.  

Ottawa Public Health has announced that any Ottawa resident who is showing symptoms of COVD-19, regardless of age, should now be tested at the COVID-19 assessment centre or one of the care clinics. You can find more information about that here, and you can find a list of where you can buy non-medical masks here.  

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At City Hall, the Official Plan Review is still underway. A piece of that is the R4 Zoning Review, which is examining the current Residential Fourth Density zoning regulations and proposing changes that could encourage more low-rise, multi-unit infill housing in R4 zoned neighbourhoods while respecting compatibility and context sensitive design. The proposals will likely come before planning committee in the fall. Take a look at the revised recommendations here and get in touch with the City to provide your comments by emailing and  

The City is also developing a new Solid Waste Master Plan, which will outline how the City manages our solid waste for the next 30 years. The plan is set to be completed in 2021, with the goals to ensure that the City’s waste services evolve to meet new challenges and changing needs. You can find more information about the project and pose your questions to the team of City staff working on the review here.  

On the development front, we’re seeing two development proposals on Carling Ave. At 1705 Carling, Claridge has purchased the old Webb’s Motel site and intends to apply for a 21-storey and a nine-storey development. This is considerably different from what was previously brought forward and will require a re-zoning application that will have to be voted on at Council. I’m currently working on setting up a virtual open house, but I expect that this will come to Planning Committee and Council in December or January. Right now, demolition has been postponed as nearby residents are self-isolating at home. At 1995 Carling in Bay Ward, Claridge has filed an application for a 27-storey residential tower. While Councillor Kavanagh will lead the consultation on this development, I am always open to being copied on any concerns you may send to her office, as I know that some residents in McKellar Park will feel the effects of this. You can find more information about the development on the City’s application site, and you can see the re-cap of Councillor Kavanagh’s May 7 public information session here.  

Keep an eye on the newsletter for more Zoom pop-up office hours. I’m looking forward to connecting with you all virtually until we can connect in person again. Stay safe and healthy Kitchissippi!  

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