Councillor’s Corner

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor – 

It’s officially summertime now and Kitchissippi ward is hopping with fun events and new projects. With so many things that make our ward wonderful, it’s hard to choose just a few things to write about. Read on to find out what’s new in the neighbourhood.

We are very pleased to see that the new pedestrian crossover on McRae Avenue between Scott and Richmond is now fully operational. This safe, mid-block crossing is a massive improvement to the area that addresses pedestrian safety and construction concerns. We understand that this crossing will be made permanent, and we look forward to it becoming a useful fixture in the neighbourhood.

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The intersection of Churchill and Richmond will see some much-needed changes this summer. Pedestrian improvements are pending for this area; many thanks to every one who participated in our consultation process back in June 2016. Your feedback gave us valuable insight into what was most needed at this busy spot. We’re excited to see this intersection become much more pedestrian-friendly when the work is completed.

Speaking of Richmond Road, FUSE street festival is returning to Westboro August 18 and 19! Richmond Road will be closed to vehicle traffic from Golden Avenue to McRae Avenue to bring out the best of what Westboro has to offer. Join in the family friendly fun and support great local businesses and initiatives. With live music, theatre, magic, circus performances, a pig roast in Winston Square, an inflatable playground for kids, and so much more, there is truly something for everyone! There are also volunteer opportunities available for anyone aged 14 and up. Visit the Westboro Village website to learn more and register to volunteer.

Don’t forget to check our newsletter for more up-to-date information about pop-up office hours and local events. A brief note about our office: staff are excused at 3 p.m. on Fridays to enjoy our gorgeous summer weather, but are still happy to help with any concerns during regular business hours the rest of the week. Stay cool Kitchissippi!

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