Councillor’s Corner

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor – 

Welcome to summer Kitchissippi! I know we’re all looking forward to the long sunny days ahead. Read on to find out more about what’s coming up in our ward this month. 

I’m thrilled to be hosting a ribbon cutting at Reid Park on Saturday, July 6 from 1:30 to 2:30. Many will recall that Reid Park was redeveloped with Cash-in-Lieu funds after extensive community consultation. The community created a vision for the renewed park and the City of Ottawa brought it to life, with significant input from the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association’s History & Heritage group who paid close attention to the treatment of the Reid family farmhouse. Join us in celebration of this improved community hub on July 6 – we’ll have cake!

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A Zoning By-Law Amendment Application has been submitted for the property at 87 Stirling Ave to permit a three-storey low-rise apartment building with seven dwelling units. The proposal seeks to retain a portion of the existing building on-site and provide extension in height and length of the building. There are two communal entrances that serve multiple units and two private entrances. One vehicle parking space and seven bicycle parking spaces are proposed. My office is hosting a public information session for this development on Wednesday July 10 from 6:30-8:30 at the Hintonburg Community Centre. You can also send in comments about this proposal to the lead planner on file Ann O’Connor (Ann.O’ and to my office. 

I’m trying something a little different for our summer pop-ups this year: I’ll be joining in the special events being hosted at the Champlain Park and Iona Park wading pools. We’ll be at Champlain Park on July 19 from 1-4 pm, and at Iona Park on July 24 from 1-4 pm. Bring the kids to have some fun and take the opportunity to chat with me about all things Kitchissippi, no appointment necessary. 

There’s still time to register for the Hintonburg 5k on July 14; arguably the best race in the city as all runners get cake at the finish line. You can register online at Westboro Fuse is also coming up fast, and you can volunteer to help out with this amazing street festival celebrating all the wonderful things about Westboro. Register to volunteer at Last but not least, Capital Pop-Up Cinema is showing Napoleon Dynamite in Parkdale Park on July 20. Stay cool, Kitchissippi!

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