Councillor’s Corner

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor – 

The spring has flown by and June has arrived in Kitchissippi. With lots of fun summer events coming up and the promise of warm weather ahead, there is lots to look forward to here in Ottawa! Read for more information. 

The City of Ottawa is undertaking a Rental Accommodations Study, which will include reviews of rental housing, short-term rentals providers (such as Airbnb), student housing and shared accommodations. Each section of study includes a position paper, which are available online as well as opportunities to provide comment. Visit to read the papers and learn more about this study. 

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Major changes are coming to the Trillium Pathway as construction to replace the 417/O-Train bridge gets underway. Myself and Councillor McKenney have worked with the MTO to ensure a detour that will be as safe as possible for pedestrians and cyclists during the lengthy construction process. For the first few weeks Trillium path users will need to detour to Gladstone Avenue while the new pedestrian/cycling by-pass is constructed. The by-pass is anticipated to open June 21, and will allow cyclists to use a segregated, bi-directional lane on Preston to get around the construction. For a full picture of those plans, visit This project will be completed in December of 2020. 

The consultations for the City’s new Official Plan are still underway! Have your say in the direction, growth, and physical development of our city’s future. You can engage with the Official Plan review process by visiting to read all the associated discussion papers and register for the project’s mailing list. Engaging with your local community association is the best way to stay up-to-date on this process. And don’t forget about the Westboro-Dominion Planning Study, reviewing the planning policies and zoning for lands near the Westboro and Dominion LRT stations. You can visit for more information, call 613-580-2424 ext. 13944, or email 

Finally, I’m thrilled to announce that myself and Councillor McKenney will be holding a free Beginner Shore Fishing Clinic at Remic Rapids on June 29, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (weather and water levels permitting). We warmly welcome anglers of all backgrounds and levels of experience to come down, share gear, and engage with our beautiful river’s ecosystem.

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