
Provincial Update: Real leaders support people with disabilities

Submitted by Joel Harden, MPP Ottawa Centre Two weeks ago (August), Premier Ford said disabled...

Councillor’s Corner: Byron Avenue restrictions and a ward boundary review

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Summer is over and September has come to Kitchissippi....

Federal Update: New COVID-19 community programs and a CERB extension

Submitted by Catherine McKenna, MP Ottawa Centre Dear neighbours, I want to start off by expressing my...

Re: Community Snapshots – Page 14 – Kitchissippi Times, August 2020. 

Dear Editor, As a Westboro resident since 1980, I have seen the neighbourhood grow in...

An interesting survival from the days of ‘Birchton’

Dear Editor, I much enjoyed Dave Allston's article in the August Kitchissippi Times about 327...

The four seasons: Summer, fall, back to school and COVID-19

By Maureen McEwan We’re really in this now, aren’t we? It depends on how you...
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Councillor’s Corner: Summer and Stage 3 in the ward

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor  As we settle into summer and Stage 3...

Provincial Update: Let’s focus on schools, not bars

Submitted by Joel Harden, MPP Ottawa Centre I don’t know about you, but I’m concerned...

Federal Update: Doing our part to limit a resurgence of COVID-19 and protect our community

Submitted by Catherine McKenna, MP Ottawa Centre Dear friends,  Thanks to our collective hard work and...

Editor’s Letter: Prioritizing mental health during the pandemic

By Maureen McEwan If you’re reading this, you’ve found a familiar friend at your door,...

Provincial Update: Back to school with justice

Submitted by Joel Harden, Ottawa Centre MPP The Ford Government has announced its “back to...

Provincial Update: Profit has no place in home and community care 

Submitted by Ottawa Centre MPP Joel Harden While most of the recent focus has been...
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