Submit a "Buy Local" Business Listing

Buy Local is our directory of the best local professionals, dining and shopping in Kitchissippi. Your business is promoted in the Buy Local section, home page, and article pages of our site for an entire year.

To get started, fill out the form below. We will review and publish your listing within three business days. We reserve the right to edit your listing as needed. If your submission is not approved, we will provide you with a full refund. Questions? Contact us here.

Business Listing Information

This information will be published.
Select the business type that best matches what you do.
Only the name of your business. No taglines or other information.
Describe your business, who you are and what you do. Keep it short and easy to read.
Upload a photo that will appear with your listing. Make it relevant and compelling. Do not add text over the image as it will be unreadable at smaller sizes. We recommend a 1280x720 image, JPG / JPEG format. Images will be cropped and resized to display properly.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 1 MB.
URL of your website's home page.
The full URL of your Facebook page if applicable.
The full URL of your Instagram profile if applicable.

Your Information

This will not be published and will only be used if we have questions or need to contact you about your submission.
Your Name(Required)


All transactions are handled securely through Stripe and no credit card information is retained.
Your business listing will automatically renew each year. You may cancel at any time.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.