Councillor’s corner: Take part in the Kitchissippi parking study

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi ward councillor 

Spring is finally here in Kitchissippi and it’s been delightful to see everyone outdoors enjoying the longer days and warmer temperatures. Because April showers tend to bring May flowers, I encourage you to check out Rain Ready Ottawa; this pilot program helps residents reduce the harmful effects of rainwater runoff, and includes everything from learning modules to help you understand and implement rainwater management solutions to home assessments and rebates.

The City has posted public consultation materials for the Kitchissippi parking study. The first round of the study, undertaken a few years ago, recommended implementing paid parking on Richmond/Wellington/Somerset West. At that time, the process included some vetoes which prevented paid parking from being implemented. The process has since been redesigned and the vetoes have been eliminated. With traffic and parking woes returning to pre-pandemic levels, the City is likely to recommend introducing paid parking. I am unlikely to oppose this, as I feel it’s the last available tool to manage parking demands. However, I expect I would advocate to delay implementation until Stage 2 is complete. You can get involved in the Kitchissippi parking study through the Engage Ottawa website.

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