How to move with pets

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Moving is a significant event for any family and if your family includes a pet, it is important to consider how relocating will affect them. The hectic energy of packing, and the stress of being in a new environment, can be challenging on a pet. Make sure to consider their needs during every step.

Choosing the right house

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Pets are an important part of your family, so it is important to consider their requirements before choosing your new home.

Ample yard space is essential for most dog owners. Dogs are high-energy creatures, and they need plenty of room to run around without stepping in their own leavings. A house with a tall wooden fence and firm, grassy ground to dissuade digging is perfect for a dog.

On the inside, stairs can be difficult for puppies or senior dogs, especially those with joint problems. For cat owners, high ceilings and vertical space is important for making them feel safe. Cat trees or a network of shelves and other high places to climb are great.

Packing up

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Pets are easily stressed by any change to their routines or surroundings. Consider keeping them in one room while you pack up the house, and pack that room last. Get them used to their crate for a few weeks before the transition by feeding them and taking them for drives in the crate. Give treats when they behave well while inside.

Find a new vet in the area you’re moving to before you leave; your current vet might be able to recommend someone. Transfer your pet’s medical records to the new vet and print a copy for yourself.

Moving day

Again, changes to your pet’s routine are stressful. Make sure to feed and walk them at the same time as usual and keep them at a friend’s house or a pet daycare while you move your belongings over.

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Set up a single room to keep them in for the first couple of days and put all their favourite things inside. The familiar smells from their bed, toys and bowls will comfort them and help them adjust. Once the rest of the house is unpacked, you can slowly start introducing them to other rooms one at a time.


Remember to update your address on their tags and microchip. Watch them outside until they get familiar with the new yard and consider leaving calming music on if you must leave them alone. If they start to act out of character, this can be a sign that they’re not taking the move well.

Remember, as stressful as this is for you, it’s even more stressful for your pets. They don’t have any control over the situation, and they have no idea what’s going on. Make sure you do everything you can to make them comfortable.

If you are looking for more advice on moving with a pet and to find out how we work with our clients, connect with us on our new website!

??Contact Susan, Patti or Sarah at 613- 829-7484 for your free home evaluation.

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