HOK #97: Maren Bradley

Meet Maren Bradley. 

“I was born in the Civic, and I’ve lived in this neighbourhood all of my life. I love how close everything is in this neighbourhood. I love biking, so I bike everywhere. I’ve always had tons of friends in my neighbourhood. I’ve grown up with a very good community of people. I graduated from Nepean High School and next year I’m attending Dalhousie (University) for commerce. I’ve been paddling since I was seven. That’s when I started in Canoe Kids. It’s a day program they have at the Rideau Canoe Club. I fell in love with the sport, being out on the water with my friends all day and having a fun time. You get to test out all the boats and get the hang of being on the water. 

“I made a lot of friends that I’m still friends with today. I’m a kayaker and paddle K1, K2 and K4. I’m a sprint kayaker, so it’s all on flat water. My favourite race is the War Canoe ?– it’s basically like an entire hockey team in one boat. It’s a strictly Canadian sport. This summer I’m racing in the junior worlds, and I leave for Romania next week. I just got back from training with the other four girls out in Halifax. I’m racing the K2 and K4 events. When we come back, I’ll be racing at nationals in Regina. I also coach every day I’m here at the Rideau Canoe Club. I love teaching there ?– it’s so much fun. I get to pass along the message that kayaking is so amazing. My friend’s little brother told me today he wanted to try the AK47, the tippy boat, which is the boat I had all my firsts in when I was learning. My goal is to go to the Olympics. The national team trains in Halifax, so going to university there will help. My first big chance will be in 2024 in Paris. I have that goal taped on the back of my bedroom door.” Collected by Ellen Bond

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Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our collection of humans right here.

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