Councillor’s Corner

Submitted by Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor – 

We’re deep into winter here in Kitchissippi, but that hasn’t slowed things down out in the ward or at City Hall. Read on to find out what’s coming up!

On January 20 I submitted a letter written on behalf of myself and our community associations to the consultation process for Bill 66 – Open for Business, introduced recently to Queen’s Park. We’re concerned that if Bill 66 moves forward it will give politicians in Ontario municipalities a tool to fast-track development applications where major job-creators are proposed. The good news is that Schedule 10, which would have removed important community protections in the planning process, has been dropped from the Bill. We’re happy to see this positive outcome as the result of public consultation. 

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Some readers may be aware that there is a zoning by-law amendment and official plan application currently proposed for 951 Gladstone and 145 Loretta Avenues. The application is to allow mixed-use development with office, retail, and residential in three towers at 30, 35, and 41 storeys. The applications can be reviewed in detail on devapps (the city’s online development application search), and you can send any comments to our office at as well as to the lead planner Anne O’Connor at Feedback can be given up to and after the open house, which will be held with Councillor McKenney February 4 at the Hintonburg Community Centre (Wellington Room) from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  The applicant’s team will be present, and myself and Councillor McKenney will facilitate a Q & A beginning at 6:20. 

The draft Budget 2019 will be tabled at City Council on February 6, and there are many opportunities to provide your input on the budget before we vote on the final version in early March. This year, my budget priorities are affordable housing and affordable transit, and I will be advocating for those at all council and committee meetings I attend. You can give your feedback on Budget 2019 and learn more about the budget process online at Join myself and Councillors McKenney, Menard, Fleury, and Team Rideau-Rockliffe at our interactive BudgetSpeak 2019 event on February 13 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at city hall, or contact my office to share your opinions. 

My next Pop-Ups are Tuesday February 5 at Pietro’s Corner from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., and Monday February 11 at Happy Goat on Laurel Street from 9 a.m. to noon. Come by to chat all things Kitchissippi, no appointment necessary! 

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