Nepean High School yearbook updates that didn’t exactly make it into the yearbook

Compiled by Nick Dunn –

We heard there were still some yearbooks available for purchase at Nepean High School (first come first served!) and we thought it’d be a good time to catch up with four NHS teachers who retired this year and ask them to contribute to one final yearbook entry, but just for KT readers.

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Rocco Romeo (Music department)

Nickname: “The Doer” (because I get things done!)

Proudest career moment: My greatest joy in teaching has been to watch each student mature in all aspects of school involvement. Music has been the focal point of my life. Live performances with our student bands and ‘Broadway Musicals’ have brought joy and ceremony to our community. Our students’ commitment to excellence has made me most proud.

Quote: “Take it up an octave and leave it out”

Larry Fenn (Special Education)

Nickname: “Fenner”

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Proudest career moment: Watching a student that you worked with walk on stage to get a diploma.

Quote: “I just work here.”

What’s next: After this, my wife and I want to travel, get up every morning and sit on the porch and drink our coffee knowing we do not have to go to work.

Michel Roy (Geography)

Nickname: Mon Ami

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Proudest career moment: Simply being thanked by parents and students for positively impacting there life/learning journey.

Quote:Mens sana in corpore sano – un esprit sain dans un corps sain – a healthy mind in a healthy body.”

What’s next: With a 12-year-old daughter and 16-year-old boy… full-time stay at home dad sprinkled with renovation projects (personal and friends), short travels, fitness, personal interest courses like photography, cooking, welding! 

Jeff Kanter (Drama)

Nickname: Kdawg

Proudest career moment: Every show I ever worked on.

Quote: “Keep on keeping on.”

What’s next: To keep on keeping on.

Report cards (and leftover yearbooks!) are available for students to pick up between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m and the main office will be open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The school will be closed between July 30 and August 10.

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