HOK #71: Linda Collette

Meet? Linda Collette.

“I bought a place in the neighbourhood in 2003. I love that there are bike paths, being close to Gatineau Park and I walk or bike to work. I lived in the Glebe when I first moved to Ottawa for a government position from Embrun. The thing with the Glebe, it all seemed very similar.  Here there are seniors, families, people down on their luck and everyone in between. It’s an edgier neighbourhood; a lot more interesting and diverse.

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“I feel a sense of community here that I haven’t felt elsewhere.  I was born and raised east of Cornwall. I feel connected to the people here in the neighbourhood, people really help each other out. Through volunteer work and being social, I’ve met incredibly giving people who have transformed the neighbourhood. Through one group, I started volunteering at the Carleton Tavern on Christmas Day. In 2005, I helped wrap gifts. The following year, I decided to become more involved, so I became Mrs. Claus. Santa and I hand out gifts and greet everyone. It is something I still do. I love it! I have volunteered at the Grace Manor helping with bingo in the past. The seniors were witty and kept me on my toes.

“I really would just like people to love each other. I can’t listen to the news anymore. Just be happy, whatever that means to you.” Collected by Lesley Cassidy

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our collection of humans right here.

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