Key Club ‘can drive’ at Nepean High School

By Claire Keenan – 

When asked how to describe Nepean High School’s Key Club in three words, all three heads of the club: Amanda Lin, Tiffany Lau and Vanessa Ippolito, responded with “Kiwanis Empowering Youth!”, followed by a fit of laughter.

Key Club aims to improve the community through donations and volunteer work, and also have a bit of fun while they’re at it.

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Amanda notes how great it is for high school students to get involved with clubs. “I think it’s good to develop your selflessness, because then if you do [join a club] in high school, it will help you in the future when you’re an adult, or if you start a family.”

Amanda Lin, Tiffany Lau and Vanessa Ippolito are Key Club members at Nepean High School.

Key Club is participating in a school vs. school ‘can drive’ as their first project of the year. The competing school is Sir Robert Borden, and the goal is to collect the most donations of non-perishable food and other goods by November 3.

Donations are worth one or two points. Items which are in short supply, such as rice, feminine hygiene products, stews, chilis, and diapers are worth more points. The school with the most points wins a prize, which is to be announced.

Key Club members distributed boxes to every classroom to encourage Nepean students to donate. All donations will be delivered to the Parkdale Food Center.

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Having food for the holidays should be the norm for all families, and that’s why Key Club is really pushing for students to help out.

“Most Nepean students don’t know what it feels like to be down on their luck,” says Vanessa.

“A lot of high school students, they don’t know what [poverty] feels like, so they don’t feel the need to go out and help,” adds Tiffany.

Participating in Key Club’s can drive, or donating directly to a local food bank, is an easy way to help people in our own community. Nepean parents are encouraged to remind NHS students to make a donation before November 3.

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Claire Keenan is a grade 12 student at Nepean High School.

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