HOK #62: Catherine Casserly

Meet Catherine Casserly.

“I am one of those rare Kitchissippi residents who was born in Westboro and grew up spending summers at Westboro Beach. Now I take my grandkids there year round. Westboro Beach is a beautiful place and certainly has changed a great deal since I moved in more than 40 years ago. I have served on our community association since it was founded in the early 1990’s to fight the expansion of the Champlain Bridge. Along with work in areas such as zoning, LRT, traffic, and being treasurer, I get to work with the amazing Groomer Dave Adams on the SJAM Winter Trail. Imagine having such a trail at your front door!

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“My latest project is to encourage people to start a Monarch butterfly sanctuary garden in their own yards by growing milkweed and bright flowers. These butterflies really need our help if they are to survive. Happily, the NCC has now become a supportive partner in our initiative to make us a unique riverside community. Over the past several decades, I have been involved in a lot of volunteer activities from taking water samples to checking on the health of the Ottawa River, to serving on several local and national boards. It may have been a lot of hard work, but it also is a lot of fun. You meet the most wonderful people when you are working together on a good cause.” Photo by Ellen Bond

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our collection of humans right here.

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