HOK #60: Claudia Arizmendi

Meet Claudia Arizmendi.

“I was born in the north of Mexico, the really, really north of Mexico. Then I moved to go to university in Monterrey, which is the third largest city in Mexico. I moved to Canada 23 years ago, and I moved to Ottawa. I have lived in the Kitchissippi area for a year. I love that this area is very family oriented. I have three children and it’s nice to be able to walk everywhere and feel like you live in a small town. It’s a beautiful neighbourhood. We sometimes take walks at 11 p.m. at night and it’s very peaceful. You feel like you are right in a town.

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“For Canada’s 150th birthday, I am looking forward to everyone getting together. Because I am from another country and came here and started working, I hope everyone takes the opportunity to see we are a multicultural city and everybody respects each other. In the future I’d love to go visit Europe, and do some interactive travelling, spending more time in the places that I love like Spain and Italy. I’d like to travel a little more, enjoy life. Whenever it’s winter, I say to myself, when May comes I will make time to enjoy the summer as much as I can, and May comes and you are so busy with work that you forget to live in the moment. Then winter comes again, and I say, next summer I will enjoy more of the moment! We live in a very beautiful country, a beautiful city, and what we have here is very difficult to replicate.”

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our collection of humans right here.

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