HOK #43: Victor Robinson


Meet Victor Robinson.

“I’ve lived in Kitchissippi all of my 21 years. I was born in the house we live in on Sherbrooke Avenue. Both my brother and I were born in the actual house, I was born in the living room and he was born in the room he’s actually sleeping in now. I got to see him being born and got to cut his umbilical cord.

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“I like that everything is different here. Out in Barrhaven and Kanata everything looks the same, where here individual houses all have different stories and are kind of quirky. The neighbourhood has expanded so much in the past five to ten years and I’m very proud to be from here.

“When I’m not working, I love to bike. This place has fantastic places to bike to. There’s the abandoned bridge, there’s the Parkway, there’s Dow’s Lake, the river, Westboro Beach, and places people tend to ignore. I like to take people on little adventures to places they never knew were there. There’s everything here that I need. I don’t have a car, and all I need is my bike, and everything is nearby. I have my food nearby, I have my clothes nearby and I have a bank nearby. Literally, everything is nearby.

“I also make forged knives in my garage. I sell them to people basically by word of mouth. I traded the tattoo on my back for a knife, and it was my first tattoo, and the first knife I’d ever made.

“I think the world needs more happy people. Happiness is contagious and so is negativity. I hope the best for this neighbourhood, and I hope when I come back in twenty years, it’s even better.” Collected by Ellen Bond

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Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our collection of humans right here.

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