HOK #006 – Stephanie Leger


Meet Stephanie Leger.

I used to tour around going to see concerts – I’ve always loved music since I was a child – but now that I have kids I can’t do that any more, so I get my satisfaction from collecting vinyl. I listen to it often through the day. I have kids’ albums, as well as my own, and the kids are becoming discerning. They will pick records out, and they are excited when I come home with new vinyl. Because I have kids all day, I can’t listen to music on headphones and this is a great way to support the artists, and it’s really music from the raw source – it sounds so much better. The local stores are really bringing back that ‘record store vibe’ that has sort of been lost with all this digital downloading. You can connect to people in there who really have a passion for the music. If I’m listening just for me, lately I’ve been into newer, folky Jazz, like The Wood Brothers, but I also love alternative stuff too, so it’s really all over the place. I’m also really liking Umphrey’s McGee but I don’t listen to them as much with the kids as they have a bit of a heavier side! [Ed: At this point 3-year-old Abbey chimes in to say that her favourite is “Let it Go” from the Frozen soundtrack. Stephanie quickly intervenes to say they definitely do NOT have it on vinyl.]  Hey – can you put a tidbit in that we don’t own a car? People think they could never live without their car, but I have three of my own kids and it’s totally doable in this neighbourhood with walking and transit. Everything is so close. Collected by Kate Settle

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. View our growing collection of humans right here.

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